
Hi readers! I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. I wanted to share some good news with you! I have partnered with my friend Cindy Dronette to author a new blog that is all about God’s love and the freedom we can experience when we stop believing the lies of the enemy.

There is no time like the present to take all those negative and destructive thoughts captive. Bringing them into the obedience of Christ means that we begin to apply the truth in God’s word to everything we hear, and if it doesn’t line up… throw the junk out! This isn’t easy, especially when these are deep-seated strongholds that have defined who we are. But the truth of God, the one that tells us that we were made in His image, means that there is nothing about us that can be bad, ugly, wrong, rejected, hurt, not worthy, useless, etc. Each one of us has value and a purpose.

I may continue to write on this blog now and then. My story hasn’t ended here as I never did have that second child. At 45 years old, I am having to grieve. After grieving the loss of nearly 10 children, I find myself now grieving the loss of a dream… a deep desire of my heart. I am open to God’s plan for my life, and I know that God can still bring us a child. The important thing is that I stand strong in my faith, trusting that the Lord’s plan for my life is better than what I imagined my life would be. I’ve got lots to ponder here… so don’t be surprised if an article shows up now and then.

For now… I hope the new Love Not Lies blog inspires you. I pray that through our honest testimonies and the truth of God’s word, you will identify the lies you have bought into and find the strength to send those lies straight back to the dry place where they belong.

We felt Independence Day was the perfect day to launch this new freedom blog. Visit and follow me there!